Dealing with back pain can be a difficult challenge as it creeps into all aspects of life. Chasing your children around, working a job or even cleaning your home can become difficult. With so many remedies it can become confusing to what really works when it comes to fixing up back pain. But read on to discover different approaches to managing and healing chronic back conditions.

back pain

Back Pain Is Very Common Now

Maybe its the increased desk jobs or lack of fundamental movements that are leading towards back pain problems increasing. But regardless of the issue its important to understand the way to fix it. With up to 49% of people using painkillers to suppress back pain there surely has to be a better way to go about the situation.1 Painkillers can cause issues to our health when used long term so they should be only used in short term situations.

Does Yoga Benefit Backpain?

Recent studies have found that moderate yoga exercises can help to overcome back pain issues for patients.2 Yoga is essentially a form of stretching and can help to lengthen muscles which may have become tight from lack of movement. It can also help to improve posture over time with the different positions. Yoga was originally created from Indian tradition and has been known to have benefits for both the body and mind.

What About Using A Foam Roller?

Foam rolling is a form of self-massage that uses a cylindrical piece of foam to help work out knots in the muscles. It is a great way to help improve flexibility as well as reduce inflammation and soreness by alleviating trapped blood and increasing blood flow to sore muscles. Our muscles are wrapped in a thin layer called fascia which can sometimes become stuck down and prevent the muscle from contracting and relaxing properly. This can lead to a build-up of tension and pain in the area. Using a foam roller can help to release the fascia and allow the muscle to move more freely. Some of the most popular foam rolling movements for back pain include the glute roll and mid back roll.3

foam roll

Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic health is an area that some truly believe in and some do not. It essentially is the adjustment of the spine and other joints in order to reduce pain and improve functionality. It is based on the belief that our nervous system is the control center for our bodies and if it is not functioning properly then neither will other areas of our health. A recent study suggested that following a 6 week protocol with a chiropractor helped to decrease painkiller use.4 You can find local chiropractors with good reviews online which help to identify ones who can help you properly.

Does Sauna Help Back Pain?

The use of sauna has been a long tradition for many cultures around the world as a way to detoxify and relax the body. New studies are now suggesting that regular sauna use can help to reduce back pain significantly as well as improve sleep quality for those who suffer from chronic back conditions. This is likely due to the increase in blood flow and circulation that happens when we sweat in the sauna. This can help to reduce inflammation and pain in the muscles and joints. It is important to make sure that you drink plenty of water before and after your sauna session to avoid dehydration.

Acupuncture Is A Great Remedy

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that uses thin needles to stimulate different points on the body. It is based on the belief that our bodies have energy pathways or meridians that can become blocked and cause illness. By stimulating these points with needles it can help to unblock the meridians and allow the energy to flow freely again. This can help to improve overall health and well-being. Using acupuncture in the back with certain needling can help to relieve pain by stimulating nerves and muscles in the area. It can also help to release endorphins which are our natural pain-relieving hormones.5

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Eating An Anti Inflammatory Diet

The food we eat can have a big impact on the level of inflammation in our bodies. Inflammation is often the root cause of pain as it can cause swelling and irritation in the muscles and joints. By eating a diet that is rich in anti-inflammatory foods we can help to reduce the amount of pain we experience. Some of the best anti-inflammatory foods include fatty fish, berries, grass fed meats, coconut oil and turmeric.

Find A Longterm Solution To Your Back Pain

For those who suffer with chronic back pain its no new discovery how bad they want to fix the issue. But knowing the above information can help to rectify the issue naturally without the use of harmful pain killers. Using pain killers should offer temporary relief but focusing on root fixes is more important. We hope you enjoyed this article and if you want anything more when it comes to back pain or health be sure to check in to Over’N’Out!

