Recently there has been a big trend in collagen and for good reason. This compound plays a vital role in many pathways of the human body, from elasticity of the skin all the way to maintaining cardiovascular health. But you do not need to spend a fortune on pills or supplements because certain food groups are full of this amazing compound. Read on to discover how you can add more collagen to your daily diet without breaking the bank.

collagen foods

I Hear It All The Time But What Exactly Is Collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body, accounting for about a third of its composition.1 This protein is found in tendons, ligaments, skin, and bones. It’s responsible for the elasticity and strength of our skin, hair, and nails. It also plays an important role in joint health.

As we age, our bodies produce less collagen which leads to wrinkles, thinner hair, and weaker nails.

Collagen Is A Key Component To Skin Formation

Wrinkles and fine lines are something we all prefer not to get, or at least keep it at bay for as long as possible. But eating a collagen rich diet may help to prevent the onset of early wrinkles. A 2019 study found that women who were fed anywhere from 3 to 10 grams of collagen a day noticed a improvement of their skin in 69 days.2 Skin is made up of 80% collagen so it is no wonder that this protein is so effective at keeping skin looking young and healthy.

Your Heart Health Betters With Collagen

Because of it being the most abundant protein in the body its quite obvious it plays a role in the most crucial organs of the body. This includes the heart and blood vessels. A diet rich in collagen can help to reduce bad cholesterol and high blood pressure. There are numerous studies available for the benefits of collagen on the heart but this one indicated that you can decrease your cardiovascular disease using collagen.3

Maintaining Brain Health With This Miraculous Protein

The brain is another organ that needs collagen to function properly. This protein can help to improve memory and cognitive function while also reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia.4 The main component to look out for is glycine which is essentially an amino acid that helps to build collagen proteins. There is a lot more research still to be conducted in this space but early innovation is already proving how important this protein is for us on a daily basis.

collagen sleep

Glycine Can Help You Sleep Much Better

Glycine does not only help to improve sleep quality but can also reduce the amount of time it takes to fall asleep in the first place. This was found in a small study done with participants who were given 3 grams of glycine before bed every night for 6 weeks. The results were that those who took glycine fell asleep faster and had a better quality sleep overall.5

Okay Okay, I Get It! How Do I Get More Collagen In My Diet?

Eating collagen rich foods is much easier than most people think, in fact you’re probably already loving some of these food choices already. Bone broths contain high levels of collagen and can easily be made at home or bought at your local store. Bone broth was traditionally a major part of our diets in early ancestory as it was used to make stews and soups. Now we tend to think of it as a bit more of a ‘trendy’ food choice but the benefits are far too great to ignore. Bone broth also contains other vitamins and minerals used in the formation of collagen and also help to uptake glycine.6

Fish and chicken also contain large amounts of his protein. If you are not a big fan of either, consider incorporating gelatin into your diet. This ingredient is often used to make desserts like jelly, but it is also a excellent source of collagen. If you’re looking to get a boost of glycine or collagen from fish make sure it is of the white fleshed variety as they tend to have more of these beneficial compounds. Other foods like eggs and citrus fruits are also great choices to get more collagen into your diet.

collagen broth

Final Thoughts For The Collagen Candidates

Well as you can see this amazing protein is not only good for your skin but has a plethora of benefits for the rest of your body as well. Increasing your intake is much easier than most people think and the benefits are impossible to ignore. Give it a try for yourself and see how you feel after upping your collagen game! Your skin, heart, sleep and brain will all thank you for it in the long run.

