
Home Health
Complete Hair Restorations Are Now Cheaper Than Ever Before

Complete Hair Restorations Are Now Cheaper Than Ever Before

If you've been feeling self-conscious about your thinning or discoloring hair, there's good news for you - Hair restorations are more affordable than ever before! Many people are turning to this popular solution to regain their confidence and achieve a fuller head of...

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Breathing Exercises That Can Greatly Improve Your Wellbeing

Breathing Exercises That Can Greatly Improve Your Wellbeing

Breathing is something we often take for granted, we do it so many times a day we just are so unconscious to it. But there really is more to the breath than we realise and many ancient modalities have focused on bettering their technique. Adult humans on average...

Sauna Protocols For Optimising Your Health

Sauna Protocols For Optimising Your Health

Sauna use has been a tradition that is thought to go back as far as 7200BC which is astonishing to think of.1 Finnish people claimed the name "Sauna" which meant bath and is still used today around the world. Sauna use has shown to have numerous health benefits such...

6 Ways To Relieve Back Pain In 2022

6 Ways To Relieve Back Pain In 2022

Dealing with back pain can be a difficult challenge as it creeps into all aspects of life. Chasing your children around, working a job or even cleaning your home can become difficult. With so many remedies it can become confusing to what really works when it comes to...

Health Foods On A Budget In 2022

Health Foods On A Budget In 2022

When it comes to health there is a certain priceless tag we must place emphasis on but that doesn't mean we can blow our budget. There are so many foods that slip through the cracks of peoples awareness that may have a huge health benefit to all of us. The food we eat...

Take The Plunge – Benefits Of Cold Showers

Take The Plunge – Benefits Of Cold Showers

Mankind has long been side by side with the cold forces of Winter but only recently have we begun to understand its many benefits. For our ancestors, cold was a matter of survival. But in today's world, we can take advantage of the cold without fear of freezing to...

Charcoal Toothpastes Are They Worth The Hype?

Charcoal Toothpastes Are They Worth The Hype?

Charcoal toothpaste is rising in popularity as a at home teeth whitening method. Social media seems flooded with pictures of people with blackened teeth but how well does this product really work? Teeth whitening is a massive industry and this low cost option may be...

How Much Sunlight Do We Need Daily?

How Much Sunlight Do We Need Daily?

The sun is an integral cog in the universe and its no wonder many ancient civilisations referred to it as God. The suns heat and light has supported life on earth for eons and continues to do so. It also provides many benefits for humans including the production of...

Meditation And Breathwork Modalities

Meditation And Breathwork Modalities

There are many different meditation and breathing exercises that one can do to relax the mind and body. These exercises have been shown to provide a number of health benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving mental clarity, and even helping to fight...

How To Shoot A Basketball Like Micheal Jordan

How To Shoot A Basketball Like Micheal Jordan

So you reach down and whisper to yourself as you tie your shoes "Make me like Mike!" We all have dreamed of being like the basketball legend, but for most of us that dream will never come true. That doesn't mean we can't shoot like Mike though! When it comes to who...

The Best Shoulder Exercises For Longevity

The Best Shoulder Exercises For Longevity

The shoulders play a vital component in the everyday movement of our bodies. From reaching for something high on a shelf to carrying groceries in from the car, we use our shoulders constantly. However, because we use them so often, they can be susceptible to injury...