So you wanna do something new in 2022? And you need to pass an interview to get that new job or role? Well lets get the confidence kicked up a notch and knuckle down on what you need to know for interviews this year. Did you know that there can be approximately 250 resumes for every corporate job role being offered and roughly 4 to 6 of them will even get to the interview stage?1 Thats competitive right, but do not stress as you can read on to discover how to stand out in your resume and job interview to land the role of your dreams.

How To Ace An Interview In 2022

Remember Confidence Is The Biggest Piece

Confidence is key and will be beamed through you during an interview if you remember a few key things. First, always make sure to do your research on the company ahead of time. This’ll help put you at ease and allow you to speak confidently about why you want the job and how you fit into the company. Next, wear clothes that make you feel good and interviews will be a breeze! Lastly, remember to keep your posture open and avoid crossing your arms or legs as it’ll come across as closed off. Job interviews last anywhere from 45 minutes to 60 minutes for standard procedures so being confident for this time slot is highly important.2 Keeping focus on your body language will help you to keep the energy levels high in your being and give off a confident presence to those asking you questions and just remember everything will be okay.

Questions To Prepare For

Of course, you can’t anticipate every single question that’ll be asked during an interview but preparing for some of the most common ones will help you immensely. “Tell me about yourself” is always a popular opener so have a 1-2 minute spiel ready that covers your work experience, key skills and why you’re the perfect candidate for the job. Other questions you might get asked include “What are your strengths/weaknesses?”, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”, and “Why do you want to work here?”. By preparing answers to these questions, you’ll show that you’re serious about the job and ready to take on any challenge.

Eye Contact Is Important

Eye contact might seem like a small thing but it’s actually really important during interviews. It shows that you’re confident, engaged and interested in what the other person is saying. So when you’re answering questions, make sure to keep eye contact with the interviewer and nod occasionally to show that you’re following along. And when it’s your turn to ask questions, don’t be afraid to make eye contact as it’ll show that you’re invested in the conversation. Eye contact is definitely important but remember do not freak out the interviewer by not taking a break, maybe keep it to 70% of the time some research has suggested.3


Practice In The Mirror

If you’re really nervous about interviews, one of the best things you can do is practice in front of a mirror. This’ll help you get a feel for how you come across and what kind of body language you’re projecting. Pay attention to things like your facial expressions, hand gestures and overall posture. And if you notice anything that makes you look nervous or unconfident, work on fixing it before your interview. Practicing anything we do in life will help us to feel more comfortable and confident in the words we’re delivering so don’t go into an interview without at least reading some example questions to yourself. If you have a friend or family member maybe you can have them recite you some questions so you can familiarise yourself with the topic and have them jumble the questions so you can also practice being surprised and not feeling stressed from this.

Take Your Time To Answer

It’s okay to take a few moments to collect your thoughts before answering an interview question. In fact, it’ll actually make you seem more confident and composed. So if you don’t know how to answer a question right away, take a deep breath and take your time before responding. This’ll show the interviewer that you’re thoughtful and considered in your answers.

Remember To Smile!

Last but not least, don’t forget to smile during your interviews! It’ll make you seem more friendly and approachable, which will put the interviewer at ease. And it’ll also show that you’re interested in the conversation and excited about the opportunity. So even if you’re feeling nervous, remember to smile and relax – interviews are meant to be a two-way dialogue, not a one-way interrogation.

Bonus Tip For Interviews In 2022

One final tip for interviews in 2022 is to be yourself! This might sound cliché but it’s actually really important. interviews are meant to assess whether you’re a good fit for the job, not whether you’re good at faking it. So don’t try to be someone you’re not or say what you think the interviewer wants to hear. Just be honest, open and authentic, and you’ll definitely impress them. By following these tips, you’ll be on your way to acing interviews in 2022! Just remember to be confident, prepared and engaged, and you’ll do great. Good luck!

