So you reach down and whisper to yourself as you tie your shoes “Make me like Mike!” We all have dreamed of being like the basketball legend, but for most of us that dream will never come true. That doesn’t mean we can’t shoot like Mike though! When it comes to who was the best basketballer of all time there is a debate that never seems to cease but with the likes of Kobe Bryant, Micheal Jordan and some others you can see why the debate is exhausting.1 Here are a few tips to help you get that sweet jumper just like the basketball GOAT.

How To Shoot A Basketball Like Micheal Jordan

  • Get in a stance: Before you even think about taking the shot, you need to make sure you have a strong stance. This will help you keep your balance and get more power behind your shot. You want your feet to be shoulder-width apart and your weight should be on the balls of your feet.
  • Use your fingers: When you grip the basketball, make sure you are using your fingers and not your palm. This will give you more control over the ball and help you guide it towards the basket.
  • Get some arc: When you shoot, make sure to give the ball a nice arc. This will help it go through the hoop more easily and also makes it more difficult for defenders to block.
  • Follow through: After you release the ball, don’t forget to follow through! This will ensure that you put all your power behind the shot and help you make it more accurate.

Practice, practice, practice: The only way to get better at shooting is to keep practicing. The more you do it, the more muscle memory you will develop and the easier it will become. So get out there and start putting up some shots!

How To Shoot 3 Pointers Like Steph Curry

We all know that Steph Curry is one of the best shooters in the NBA, if not the best. And while most of us will never be able to shoot like him, there’s no reason why we can’t at least try to get close. Here are a few tips to help you shoot threes like the Splash Brother himself. According to studies on the physics of three point shooting there is a minimum degree of 33 that is needed to at least have an attempt at making the basket go in.2

  • Get your feet set: One of the most important things when shooting a three is to make sure your feet are set and squared up to the basket. This will help you have a more accurate shot.
  • Use your off hand: When you catch the ball, make sure to use your off hand to guide it into position. This will help you control the ball and keep it steady as you shoot.
  • Follow through: As with any shot, it’s important to follow through when shooting a three. This will help you put all your power behind the shot and make it more accurate.
  • Practice, practice, practice: The only way to get better at shooting is to keep practicing. The more you do it, the more muscle memory you will develop and the easier it will become. So get out there and start putting up some shots!

Another valuable idea to understand is the affects of fatigue on a three point shot and how you can best stop this from happening. Fatigue settles in and causes changes in the command of your biomechanics which alters your shot.3

Add Height To Your Jumper Like Kobe Bryant

  • Kobe Bryant is one of the greatest basketball players of all time and he is known for his amazing jumper. If you want to add some height to your jumper like Kobe, then here are a few things you can do.
  • Use your legs: When you jump, make sure to use your legs to give you more power. You want to bend your knees and then explosively jump up into the air.
  • Get your arms up: As you jump, make sure to get your arms up as well. This will help you generate more power and also help you guide the ball into the basket.
  • Follow through: After you release the ball, don’t forget to follow through! This will ensure that you put all your power behind the shot and make it more accurate.

Practice, Practice, Practice!

So there you have it guys and girls if you want to get better at basketball than you’re going to have to train hard and focus on the bare basics to get your conditioning up to offset fatigue and follow the ideal arc of trajectory. Just like the professionals before you training daily is a must and putting the time in will almost certainly benefit your chances of landing more three point shots against your friends.

