As we age, our mobility and balance may decline, making it more difficult to take care of ourselves. One area that can be particularly challenging is the bathroom, where the risk of falls and injuries can be high.1 Walk-in bathtubs can be a great solution for seniors who want to maintain their independence and safety while bathing. To see if Medicare will cover your walk in bath, start an online search today.

Bath Tub

Benefits of Walk-In Bathtubs for Seniors

Seniors should consider getting a walk-in bathtub for several reasons. First and foremost, walk-in bathtubs can help prevent falls and injuries while bathing, which can be a significant concern for seniors who may have limited mobility or balance issues. A walk-in bathtub allows seniors to enter and exit the tub safely and easily, with no need to step over a high ledge. This can reduce the risk of slips, trips, and falls, which can be particularly dangerous for older adults. In addition to improving safety, walk-in bathtubs can also provide a more comfortable and enjoyable bathing experience for seniors. Many walk-in bathtubs feature additional safety features, such as non-slip surfaces, grab bars, and built-in seating. Some models also offer therapeutic features, such as hydrotherapy jets and heated surfaces, which can help soothe sore muscles and joints and promote relaxation.

What are the Requirements For Seniors To Get This Benefit?

To avail Medicare coverage for a walk-in bathtub, seniors must meet certain requirements, including:

  • Being enrolled in Medicare Part B: Seniors must be enrolled in Medicare Part B, which covers medical services and supplies, including durable medical equipment like walk-in bathtubs.
  • Having a doctor’s prescription: Seniors must have a doctor’s prescription for the walk-in bathtub, which specifies that it is medically necessary to address a particular health condition or mobility issue.
  • Meeting medical necessity criteria: The walk-in bathtub must be deemed medically necessary to treat a specific medical condition or mobility issue, such as arthritis, joint pain, or balance problems.
  • Prior authorization: Before purchasing a walk-in bathtub, seniors must obtain prior authorization from Medicare to ensure that the cost of the bathtub will be covered.

It’s important to note that Medicare will only cover the cost of a basic walk-in bathtub, and the senior may be responsible for any additional costs, such as installation and maintenance.2 Additionally, Medicare may require the senior to choose a specific supplier or brand of walk-in bathtub to ensure that it meets their coverage criteria. By meeting these requirements and working with their doctor and Medicare, seniors can get the walk-in bathtub they need to live safely and comfortably at home.

Important Key Factors to Know

While Medicare may cover the cost of a walk-in bathtub, there are several key factors that seniors should be aware of, including:

  • Medical Necessity: Medicare will only cover the cost of a walk-in bathtub if it is deemed medically necessary by a doctor.
  • Prior Authorization: Before purchasing a walk-in bathtub, seniors must get prior authorization from Medicare to ensure that the cost of the bathtub will be covered.
  • Cost Limitations: Medicare will only cover the cost of a basic walk-in bathtub, and the senior may be responsible for any additional costs, such as installation and maintenance.
  • Eligibility Requirements: Seniors must meet certain eligibility requirements to qualify for Medicare coverage, including being enrolled in Medicare Part B and having a doctor’s prescription for the walk-in bathtub.

Where to Find Walk-In Bathtubs?

There are several places where seniors can find walk-in bathtubs. One option is to visit home improvement stores like Home Depot, Lowe’s, or Menards, which offer a selection of walk-in bathtubs for purchase.3 Additionally, seniors can search for online retailers that specialize in walk-in bathtubs, such as American Standard Walk-In Tubs, Safe Step Walk-In Tubs, and Premier Care in Bathing. Another option is to find local dealers that specialize in installing walk-in bathtubs. These companies may have showrooms where seniors can try out different models before making a purchase. Seniors can also search for independent contractors who specialize in installing walk-in bathtubs. Lastly, for those who have Medicare coverage, they can choose a Medicare-approved supplier. They can find approved suppliers on the Medicare website or by contacting Medicare directly.

What Should Be Considered For The Right Walk-In Bathtub?

  • Size and Layout. Consider the size of your bathroom and the layout of your current bathtub or shower area. Make sure the walk-in tub you choose fits comfortably in the available space and allows you to move around with ease.
  • Safety Features. Look for a tub with safety features such as slip-resistant surfaces, grab bars, and anti-scald technology. You may also want to consider a tub with a low threshold for easy entry and exit.
  • Accessibility. If you have mobility issues, you may want to consider a tub with a built-in seat and a handheld showerhead. Some models also offer a door that opens inward or outward, allowing for easier access.

It’s Time to Use Medicare To Buy Walk-In Bathtubs for Seniors

Walk-in bathtubs can be a great option for seniors who want to maintain their independence and safety while bathing. And, if deemed medically necessary, Medicare may cover the cost of a walk-in bathtub. Seniors should be aware of the important key factors to know, including medical necessity, prior authorization, cost limitations, and eligibility requirements. By understanding these factors and working with their doctor and Medicare, seniors can use Medicare to get the walk-in bathtub they need to live safely and comfortably at home. To see if Medicare will cover your walk in bath, start an online search today.

