Mankind has long been side by side with the cold forces of Winter but only recently have we begun to understand its many benefits. For our ancestors, cold was a matter of survival. But in today’s world, we can take advantage of the cold without fear of freezing to death.

Take The Plunge - Benefits Of Cold Showers

There are many benefits to cold showers and cold immersion, including improved circulation, reduced inflammation, and increased alertness. Cold therapy can also help speed up recovery from exercise and reduce muscle soreness.

Taking Cold Showers Boosts Mood and Energy

A cold shower first thing in the morning is invigorating and can help to wake you up. The cold temperature shocks the body and forces it to adapt, resulting in an increase in alertness. Cold showers have also been shown to improve mood. One study found that cold water immersion increased levels of noradrenaline, a hormone that is associated with increased alertness and positive mood.1 In addition to improving mood, cold water immersion has also been shown to boost energy levels. One study found that cold showers increased adrenaline levels and improved motivation.

Cold Showers Can Help You Recover from Exercise

Exercise causes microscopic damage to muscles, which leads to soreness and reduced performance. Cold therapy can help to reduce inflammation and speed up recovery. One study found that cold water immersion after exercise reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol and increased testosterone levels. This hormonal shift is associated with faster recovery and improved performance.2

Another study found that cold showers helped to reduce DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) by up to 48%. Cold water immersion is thought to work by reducing inflammation and improving blood flow to muscles.

Cold Showers May Help to Reduce Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is a major contributor to many diseases, including heart disease, arthritis, and cancer. Reducing inflammation is therefore crucial for maintaining good health.

Cold therapy has been shown to reduce inflammation by constricting blood vessels and reducing swelling. One study found that cold water immersion reduced levels of the inflammatory markers CRP and IL-6. Another study found that cold showers helped to reduce the severity of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. Cold therapy is thought to work by modulating the immune system. There is an epic post by one of the most prolific motivational speakers of our time Tony Robbins on the amazing benefits of cold showers. We suggest you check it out to further your knowledge on cold exposure which you can view here.

How to Take a Cold Shower

If you’re new to cold therapy, start slowly by taking a cool shower instead of a cold one. Gradually increase the temperature until you’re comfortable with the cold. Once you’re used to it, try turning the temperature all the way down to cold. Cold showers should last for at least two minutes, but longer is better. Finish with a minute of warm water to gradually acclimate your body back to a normal temperature. A recent study which has been highlighted by a popular podcast interviewee Huberman is that you need a total of 11 minutes of cold exposure a week to reach the amazing benefits.3

One of the ideal techniques when having a cold shower is to use your hand first to test the temperature of the water. Combining focused intention on your breath and calming yourself down as you put your head under the water helps to offset any immediate rushes or panic. You really have to trust that the first 30 seconds is often the most uncomfortable but as the time moves on your body will begin to adjust and each session after this becomes easier in time. As a writer on this blog I can not express enough how much cold exposure has helped me transform my mental health and my physical health from improvement in sleeping to increased recovery and overall mood. If you can get under cold water for a few minutes each day you can begin to reap the amazing benefits that nature intended for us.

cold shower exposure

Ice Bath For The True Ice Lovers!

If you’re feeling adventurous, try an ice bath. Fill a tub with cold water and add some ice cubes. Aim for a water temperature of 50-60°F (10-15°C). Soak for 10-15 minutes and finish with a warm shower. You can also add Epsom salt to your ice bath. Epsom salt is rich in magnesium, which has anti-inflammatory and muscle-relaxing properties.

Recovering from the Cold

After a cold shower or ice bath, it’s important to warm up properly. Gradually increase your body temperature with some light activity, such as walking or stretching. You can also take a warm bath or shower.

Warming up slowly will help your body adjust back to its normal temperature and prevent you from feeling dizzy or lightheaded. It’s also important to drink plenty of fluids after cold therapy to prevent dehydration.

So What Are You Waiting For?

Cold showers and cold immersion have numerous benefits. They can improve mood, energy levels, and recovery from exercise. They may also help to reduce inflammation. If you’re looking for a way to boost your health and well-being, take the plunge and try cold therapy today!

