The shoulders play a vital component in the everyday movement of our bodies. From reaching for something high on a shelf to carrying groceries in from the car, we use our shoulders constantly. However, because we use them so often, they can be susceptible to injury and pain. Proper exercise and warm up is essential to keeping our shoulders healthy and pain-free.

The Best Shoulder Exercises For Longevity

There are a few different types of shoulder exercises that are beneficial for overall shoulder health. These include rotation movements and pressing movements.

Rotation movements help to strengthen the muscles and ligaments around the shoulder joint. A simple rotation exercise can be done by standing with your arms at your sides and rotating your shoulders in small circles. You can also use dumbbells or resistance bands to add resistance to the movement.

Pressing movements, such as overhead presses, help to build the muscles that support the shoulder joint. These exercises are important for preventing injuries and maintaining range of motion in the shoulders.

In addition to specific exercises, it is also important to warm up the rotator cuff before any strenuous activity. The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles and tendons that stabilize the shoulder joint. A simple way to warm up the rotator cuff is to stand with your arms at your sides and rotate your shoulders forward and backward in small circles.

Dumbbell External Rotation Is The King of Shoulder Exercises

There are a lot of shoulder exercises out there. But the one that seems to be the most effective, especially for rotator cuff health, is the dumbbell external rotation.1

To do this exercise, you will need a light dumbbell (5-10 pounds should be enough). Sit on a bench or chair with your arm hanging down at your side and the dumbbell in your hand. Slowly lift your arm up so that your elbow is level with your shoulder. From here, rotate your arm so that your palm is facing away from you. Lower your arm back down to the starting position and repeat. Do 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

While this exercise may seem simple, it is very effective in strengthening the muscles and tendons around the shoulder joint. It is also a great exercise to do as part of a warm-up routine before any strenuous activity.

The shoulders are a complex joint and require care and attention to keep them healthy. By including rotation and pressing movements in your exercise routine, you can help prevent injuries and maintain range of motion in your shoulders. And don’t forget to warm up the rotator cuff before any activity that puts stress on the shoulders. by following these simple guidelines, you can help keep your shoulders healthy for years to come.

Military Press For Brute Strength Gains

The military press is a great exercise for building the muscles that support the shoulder joint. This exercise can be done with dumbbells or a barbell.2

To do this exercise, start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Hold the weight in front of you at shoulder level with your palms facing away from you. From here, press the weight overhead until your arms are fully extended. Lower the weight back down to the starting position and repeat. Do 3 sets of 6-12 repetitions.

Shoulder press

Focus On The Different Components Of The Shoulder

The shoulder is made up of multiple muscles which include The shoulder muscle group is comprised of three main muscles: the deltoid, supraspinatus, and infraspinatus. The deltoid is the large muscle that covers the shoulder joint and is responsible for lifting the arm up overhead. The supraspinatus and infraspinatus are smaller muscles located on the side of the shoulder blade. These muscles work together to stabilize the shoulder joint and lift the arm out to the side. So focusing on multiple angled movements like lateral side raises, front raises, bent over rows, cable pullbacks and face pulls are important in order to maintain balanced development. We love to perform giant sets at OvernOut which is basically a method of doing one set of an exercise immediately followed by another and then another after that. Try it you will be toast after it but the shoulder pump will be insane!

Drink Bone Broth For Joint Health

Bone broth is a great way to get the nutrients that are essential for joint health. This delicious, nourishing soup is packed with collagen, which is a protein that helps to support the joints.3 Bone broth also contains glucosamine and chondroitin, which are compounds that help to reduce inflammation in the joints. To make bone broth, simply simmer bones (beef, chicken, or fish) in water for 24-48 hours. You can also add vegetables, herbs, and spices to taste. Once the broth is finished cooking, strain it and store it in the refrigerator. Drink 1-2 cups per day for best results. So as you can see when it comes to protecting your shoulder it doesn’t just happen in the gym but also how we fuel our bodies to recover and grow. Supplying the body with ample minerals and vitamins that help to offset inflammation and rebuild tissue like glycine and collagen can work wonders on protecting your shoulders over your lifetime.

Shoulder bone broth

By including these exercises in your routine, you can help keep your shoulders healthy and pain-free. Remember to warm up before any strenuous activity and to listen to your body if you start to feel pain. With a little care and attention, you can keep your shoulders healthy for years to come.

