When travelling overseas or even interstate sometimes you need to take the pet with you. Did you know that up to 78% of Americans travel with their pets every year?1 This process can be highly stressful as the pets have no clue what is going on which is a nightmare situation to many pet owners. Thankfully , with a little bit of organisation and forward planning, it is possible to travel with pets without too much drama. This guide will give you all the tips and tricks you need to make travelling with pets a breeze.

Travelling With Pets - Go To Guide

Travelling With Pets Your Go To Guide

One of the first things to consider when travelling with pets is what kind of transport you will use. If you are taking a long car journey, it is important to make sure that your pet is comfortable and has plenty of space. A good way to do this is to invest in a pet carrier or seat belt harness which will keep them secure and prevent them from running around the car and distracting the driver. It is also a good idea to make regular stops so that your pet can have a toilet break and stretch their legs.

Pets And Aeroplanes?

If you are flying with your pet, there are a few things to bear in mind. Firstly, check with the airline that you are using as they all have different policies when it comes to travelling with pets. Some airlines will allow small pets in the cabin with you, whereas others will require them to travel in the hold. If your pet is travelling in the hold, make sure that they have a comfortable carrier and that you have put a label on it with your name and contact details. It is also worth putting a photo of your pet on the carrier in case they get lost.

When it comes to actually getting on the plane, try to remain calm as pets can sense when their owners are anxious and this will only make them more stressed. If possible, get someone to help you so that one person can hold the pet while the other boards the plane. Once you are onboard, find your seat and put your pet in their carrier under the seat in front of you. This will stop them from roaming around the cabin and disturbing other passengers.

If you are flying with a larger pet, they will most likely have to travel in the hold. Again, make sure that their carrier is comfortable and that you have put a label on it with your name and contact details. When it comes to getting on the plane, try to get someone to help you so that one person can hold the pet while the other boards the plane. Once you are onboard, find your seat and put your pet in their carrier under the seat in front of you. An astounding 2 millions pets in America take to the skies travelling via planes in America every year according to the transport bureau.2

pet travel

Service Pets A Crafty Disguise?

One of the funniest yet alarming statistics found recently is that up to 10% of pet parents have hidden their dog in their luggage to sneak them into a hotel and 7% have disguised their pet as a service animal to get onto a plane.3 There is a much better way to travel with your pet friend instead of having to put them in uncomfortable or scary situations like being stuffed into a suitcase. There are many friendly pet hotels and flight services available which help to cater moving your pet without going to these extraordinary lengths for pet travel.

Travelling With Pets – Tips And Tricks

Here are some top tips for travelling with pets that you should be mindful of to keep your animal safe and also make it as less stressful on yourself as possible.

  • Make sure that you have all the necessary documents for your pet such as vaccination records and a health certificate from your vet.
  • If possible, travel during the day as pets can get anxious in unfamiliar surroundings and it will be easier to keep an eye on them.
  • If you are flying, put your pet in a comfortable carrier and make sure that you have put a label on it with your name and contact details.
  • When getting on the plane, try to remain calm and get someone to help you so that one person can hold the pet while the other boards the plane.
  • Once you are onboard, find your seat and put your pet in their carrier under the seat in front of you.
  • Make regular stops when travelling by car so that your pet can have a toilet break and stretch their legs.

With these tips in mind, travelling with pets should be a breeze!


  1. https://roanoke.com/lifestyles/pets/survey-reveals-america-s-love-for-pets-is-evident-in-travel-habits/article_2ab96268-ab38-5ea7-87c5-75ea5224d75c.html#:~:text=Pet%20parents%20love%20to%20travel,caught%20on%20to%20this%20trend.
  2. https://www.transportation.gov/airconsumer/plane-talk-traveling-animals
  3. https://www.rover.com/blog/pet-parents-go-to-crazy-lengths-to-travel-with-their-dogs/